Now that you’ve detected a voltage imbalance in your rotary phase converter, let’s cover how you can restore balance.

Imbalanced Single Phase Loads

Remember that single-phase devices contain two wires, L1 and L2. These wires might experience a slight voltage difference when a larger load is placed on them or when multiple single-phase loads connect to one rotary phase converter’s output. That’s completely normal.

However, if the voltage difference between the wires is unusually high or low, you’ll need to perform one of two repairs.

  • Quick Fix: Disconnect the single-phase loads from the rotary phase converter. Reconnect them to the single-phase service.
  • Complex Fix: Spread the single-phase loads equally among the three wires—L1, L2, and L3.

Undersized Rotary Generator

A voltage imbalance may also occur when the rotary generator you’re using is too small for the load applied to it. An undersized rotary generator can’t handle large electrical loads.

If a large load is placed on a small generator, the voltage dips. A dip in voltage slows generator operation. If a large load stops in the middle of operation, the voltage will spike. A spike in voltage speeds up generator operation.

If you have an undersized rotary generator, here are two ways you can fix the resulting voltage imbalance:

  • Replace the undersized rotary generator with a larger one that can handle large electrical loads. The only downside to this method is that a large generator could have trouble starting if the control panel of the rotary phase converter was customized to power the undersized rotary generator.
  • Alter the undersized generator so it imitates a properly sized one. This method allows you to avoid device start issues. Be sure the output voltage remains steady throughout operation.